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Vaping vs. Smoking

Posted by CANNASaver on Monday, 28 June 2021 in Canna Blog

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of vaping or are vaping as you read this. If not, you’re wondering, what is vaping? Vaping is often seen as the modern alternative to actually burning a bowl. Being a relatively new marijuana byproduct, vaping vs smoking marijuana has become an interesting topic between canna-connoisseurs and newbies alike.

Going head-to-head, we are going to look at the methods of cannabis consumption and decide which is better – Vaping or Smoking? 

The Device Known As A Vaporizer

Vaping has risen high above the clouds in which they were formed, providing a superhero high compared to regular marijuana flower smoking. 

Vaporizers are known as the most efficient way to smoke marijuana. Vaporizing cannabis works by heating THC to a temperature between 250-400 degrees Fahrenheit which creates the titular vapor by creating high concentration cannabinoid steam.

Vaping is an amazing way to enjoy your favorite cannabis with little-to-no smell. 

The Volcano continues to reign supreme as far as dry herb vaporizers are concerned. Though initially expensive (between $250-600), it will help you get the most out of smoking your weed with the ability to re-burn vaped weed a couple of different times. These things also last a long time. 

If you're on a budget, there are plenty of vaporizer accessories and vape deals available through our website.

Vaping vs Smoking: Which Gets You Higher?

Recent studies have found that vaporizing your favorite marijuana does factually provide a grander high than smoking.

People who the studies followed had their health monitored such as blood drawn, blood pressure monitored, and heart rate monitored during different smoke sessions. When vaporized, marijuana can produce grander overall effects than smoked marijuana. Vaping has been reported to make people feel much higher than smoking regularly. 

Dosage for dosage, cannabis buds when smoked doesn’t compare to vaping.  

Vaping vs Smoking: Health Benefits

Though vaping is technically “healthier”, eating edibles is the only true way to consume marijuana without resulting in any bodily damage. Well-built vaporizers are designed to maintain that vapor only passes through materials like quartz or ceramic. They avoid plastics, glues, or rubber near vape heating elements.

Many medical patients have problematic respiratory systems and their lungs may be highly irritated by smoke, so they often find relief in vapor inhalation. 

Disadvantages of Vaping

  • Bit of a learning curve: adjusting settings, general maintenance, and learning about proper temperatures. These can be trickier for older folks due to the curve so discretion is advised. If you are not inclined to learn about a new device, it may be best to stay away.

  • There are concerns about random devices on the market. Do lots of device research and try to stick with well-received brands.

  • Inhalation of smoke of any kind into your body isn’t necessarily good for your lungs. Smoke still contains particles that can create lung issues. 

  • Long-term effects in terms of vaping are still pretty darn new. Long-term effects associated with vaping in any way are yet unknown. Black market/ street dealers don’t always sell up-to-par cartridges. These cartridges are often known as the vapes that killed people containing vitamin E and propylene glycol. 

  • You possibly might get way too high.  Just like with smoking, it is possible to get way too high if you vape too much, which can be incredibly off-putting when wanting a good cannabis experience. Go slow

Smoking vs Vaping: Effects on Lungs

Novice consumers also tend to prefer vaporizing because the vapor can be inhaled in short puffs rather than deep breaths. Additionally, people appreciate the added benefit that it is more discreet to use a vaporizer.

Even though vaping may be considered better for you, whether it be weed, tobacco, or any other smoking substance, inhaling smoke of any kind is bad for your lung health.

The ugly truth about our precious cannabis flower comes in the method needed to activate the glorious THC: Combustion. 

When sparking up a bowl of glorious green flower, many stoners have experienced you tend to cough up unwanted inner mucus. Smoke tends to be harsher than a hit from a vaping device.

Vaping: Pros Vs Cons


  • Discreet: One of the most appealing aspects of vaping marijuana is that it doesn’t produce as much of an odor, especially at lower temps. In addition, vaping smells a lot less than smoke, so it’s a smart option if you’re trying to fly high under the radar.

  • More pronounced flavor: Vaping typically produces a more pronounced flavor than smoking. You taste the individual terpenes and cannabinoid profiles of each strain more distinctly, whereas smoking obliterates the taste and subtle nuances between strains. But, keep in mind that the flavor will significantly diminish towards the end of the sessions.

  • Control over temperature: Most weed vaporizers have adjustable heat settings that give you control over the temperature throughout your session. It takes a bit of trial and error to find the best temperature for vaping weed but it can produce a range of effects from mellow and uplifting to a more intense euphoric experience.

  • Efficiency: Vaporizing weed allows you to extract the cannabinoids from your dry herb slowly and effectively. You can often get multiple sessions from a single pack. Already vaped bud, or ABV, can also be used to create edibles and tea, or even as an emergency smoke or vape. On the other hand, when you combust weed, it turns to ash and is no longer valuable or even a thing.

  • No lighter/matches required: Vaporizers don’t require an external heat source, so you’ll never have an incident where you’re stranded with weed and no lighter. 


  • The learning curve: Unlike smoking, there is a significant learning curve with vaping cannabis. It takes experience to learn how to vape weed properly, getting the right grind and pack, learning to adjust the settings, and how to inhale from your device.

  • Requires general maintenance: Vaping marijuana requires a bit of maintenance versus smoking it. Keeping your vaporizer clean and in top shape is essential to its performance. After every few sessions, it is imperative that you clean your vape — but this is similar to having glassware.

  • Typically requires a grinder: Most vaporizers don’t function properly without a medium to fine grind. This calls for a good grinder, especially if you’re using a portable vape that runs on conduction heating (which the vast majority do). Grinding increases surface area and allows all of the cannabinoids and terpenes to be extracted from the plant more efficiently.

  • Not cheap: A solid device for vaporizing cannabis isn’t cheap. There are a few decent inexpensive vapes out there, but they typically run upwards of $100. Luckily, they save you money in the long since vaporization is a more efficient method.

  • The device MUST be charged or plugged in: You won’t need a lighter, but if your device isn’t charged or near a wall socket, then you’re out of luck. The good news is that when it is fully charged, most portable vapes can provide several sessions before needing a recharge.

Smoking: Pros Vs Cons


  • Smoking is a ritual: The entire process of rolling, packing, smoking can become almost ritualistic at times. It can be difficult for some to break this routine.

  • More intense effects: Smoking dry herb can more quickly create intense and euphoric effects. The extreme temperatures of fire immediately release all of the cannabinoids responsible for this more sedative effect such as THC in addition to THCv.

  • Standard investment required: Smoking doesn’t require as much of an investment upfront unless you are buying a big fancy glass piece. It’s so much cheaper to just buy some rolling papers, which prevents a lot of smokers from delving into vaping.

  • No learning curve: Smoking is simple and doesn’t require a lot of practice. Anyone can light up a joint or bowl, and it’s easy to know when your session is over. Vaping pot is more complex and requires a bit of experience and knowledge.

  • Low maintenance: There is some general maintenance involved with pipes or bowls, but they typically don’t require as much effort as cleaning a vaporizer. Joints, on the other hand, are relatively low maintenance, aside from having to roll them.


  • Risks associated with combustion: The reality is, although weed smoke is said to be less harmful than tobacco smoke, it’s still smoke! There is a common misconception that although smoking tobacco is bad for you, smoking marijuana isn’t. When any plant matter is combusted it produces tar, carcinogens, and other by-products like toluene, naphthalene, and benzene. This is an unavoidable consequence of smoking, not to mention the hazards of second-hand smoke and using an open flame.

  • Less control: There isn’t much you can do to control the effects of smoking. You can find a strain with less THC, take smaller puffs, or roll your joint a little tighter, but that’s about it. Vaping gives you a lot more control over the overall experience.

  • Not as efficient: Smokers tend to burn through their stash quicker than people who vape it. Once you smoke a joint or a bowl, it’s gone. When you vape it, the herb is cooked much slower, giving you more opportunity to extract every last drop of THC.

  • Stronger odor: Smoke can be detected from much further away and it lingers for longer than vapor. It’s not even close! When you vape weed, it has an aroma, but it doesn’t have the same burnt smell and it dissipates quicker, especially after airing out the room.

The Verdict?

The winner… well, that’s up to you, really. It's all personal preference.

If you’re looking for a safer, discreet way to smoke, or if you are a medicinal marijuana patient, vaping might be best for you. But, if you seek to get completely blazed, smoking is a cheaper route.

Ultimately, the choice is yours my dear friend, but keep an open mind and if you haven’t tried vaping weed, try it.

You may enjoy it.

The differences between vaping vs. smoking marijuana can be night and day.

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CannaSaver Blog

Wax Dabs

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 24 June 2021 in Canna Blog

Cannabis concentrates are becoming a staple to the marijuana industry. With marijuana use increasing around the country, more people are aware of “dabbing” or “dabs” With 7/10 around the corner to celebrate marijuana’s “OIL” products such as wax, shatter,  hash oil, and live resin. Whether you're a newer consumer or an old-school consumer being introduced to the term dabbing, you may have questions.

Dabs come in several different sizes, shapes, and ultimately, forms. Dabbing can reference many kinds of THC concentrates; from shatter to live resin. But today, we’re going to look at my favorite concentrate known as a wax dab.  

The Titular DAB

A dab can essentially be seen as the measurement to which people dose out their marijuana concentrates. Depending on their consistency, these marijuana concentrates are also commonly referred to as wax, shatter, live resin, etc. These kinds of concentrates are heated on a hot surface, a banger/e-nail, and then inhaled through a bong-like device known as a dab rig. The term has been used for about a decade or so. 

Dabs are made by pouring butane over marijuana. This process allows the THC to leave the marijuana plant and dissolve into the butane leaving a gummy, somewhat solid product that contains high amounts of THC.

What is This?! Wax Made From Bees?!

Wax, despite its name, is not made from beeswax. This type of marijuana gets its name from the concentrate’s texture and appearance. Varying between being relatively gooey being incredibly brittle; wax has an opaque appearance that appears throughout.

Depending on moisture, temperature, and techniques used to extract wax; the concentrate can take on many different forms in the outcome. When the wax is a gooier wax, that tends to be a budder. The other end of that breeds consistencies like crumble.

Different Types of Wax

BHO - Butane Hash Oil, extracts various cannabinoids. Extracting wax, using BHO, is a way to cultivate leftover parts on the marijuana plant remaining after trimming; like leaves or stems. This is why it's cheaper and easier to find.

BUDDER - Considered the cleanest and most wanted wax concentrate. Budder closely resembles butter you would put on toast. Budder is smooth in texture and a highly potent concentrate often hitting 90% THC potencies.  The process is a difficult one due to the process requiring strenuous whipping during the extraction process.

CO2 - solvent-free and tends to be pricey. Produced without toxins, while retaining terpene flavors. Extraction is pricey due to needing specialized equipment. But delivers in terpenes and cannabinoids.

CRUMBLE - Crumble is made from BHO. Crumble is made during the process of purging oil in a large vacuum oven. In the process, the extraction develops a soft consistency but maintains an extremely brittle consistency which can crumble when being prepared. Crumble is a favorite for vaporizers.

PHO - Propane Hash Oil, is an extraction method using propane instead of butane. Everything else is pretty much the same. Some people prefer it because it can be made into a pretty good budder (kind of creamy/buttery concentrate) with vigorous whipping. Experienced PHO makers note that, depending on the strain, it’s possible to get more terpenes and fewer residuals by using propane.

WAX -  Resembles honey which is where it gets its name. Wax concentrates have a very high content of THC and other cannabinoids (much higher than regular buds or trim runs) and need to be handled carefully. If you’re not used to vaporizing something so potent, the best advice I can give you is to start slow.

How To Dab That Concentrated Wax

Unlike smoking a bowl, you are going to need a specific set of tools. Tools that will make any wax concentrate cower in fear of you.


  • Dab rig - A small, bong-like smoking apparatus 

  • Nectar collector - A straw-like smoking device

  • Vape Pen - Concentrate vaporizer

Some consistencies of concentrate are easier to consume using all the various ways. Brittle/crunchy concentrates, like shatter, are easier to smoke when dropped onto a hot banger. It’s also worth noting that the higher the temperature you burn the nail, the much more harsh your smoke will be. When temperatures remain lower, the more flavor and cloud production.

When using a Nectar Collector, specifically designed trays/dishes are a must. These kinds of products are made out of glass, quartz, or silicone. After putting a small dab onto the container, blowtorch the tip of the collector. While heated, drag the hot nail across the wax while sucking through the mouthpiece. 

Health and Dabbing Wax

Dabbing wax is arguably one of the healthiest ways to smoke marijuana, although there haven't been too many studies quite yet. For us, it is a bit lighter on the throat and lungs (depending on how hot you prefer to dab).

Benefits of Dabbing

Cannabis enthusiasts will find some advantages to dabbing if they maintain clean and tested products. Dabbing is known for its quick onset time and lasting powerful effects on the user. For those who deal with chronic pains, use dabbing as a guaranteed way to obtain swift, effective bodily relief.

When properly made, dabs can be a product that’s much easier on the lungs than a typical cannabis flower. When smoking, burnt buds create resin which isn’t great for your lungs. Concentrates tend to destroy most unwanted resins while providing terpenes and other helpful cannabinoids into your body.

Dangers of Dabbing

Now for the bad news. Dabbing is, in fact, more dangerous than normal for the average smoker. To those unfamiliar with dabbing, heating a banger with essentially a flamethrowing lighter may appear dangerously off-putting. Though as tech moves forward, devices like an e-nail are eliminating the use of crazy torches. And trust me, I’ve burned many things (including my actual body) that I most certainly didn’t want or intend to.

Deals on Wax In Denver

The Lodge has two dispensaries locations in downtown Denver.

Current deals on WAX are:

Herbs 4 you is located in the Capitol Hill Area.

Current deals on WAX include:

Chronic Therapy has a location in Wheat Ridge and Cortez.

Current deals on WAX include: 

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CannaSaver Blog

How Much Should You Pay For Weed?

Posted by CANNASaver on Friday, 04 June 2021 in Canna Blog

Once you’ve spent some time deciding what flower strain you’ll be bringing home, you are ready to check out. As you begin to check out you ponder the question: how much should you be paying for weed?

Legalized Mary Jane is weaving and winding its way around the nation. Recreational marijuana has become much more accessible than ever before in recent years thanks to changes in the legislature regarding marijuana as a Schedule I drug.

Many dispensaries are either opening or plan to open all across the United States in the next few years. 

How Much Should You Pay For Weed?

When it comes to the business of marijuana, Colorado has been one of the leading states in marijuana reform for many years now.

Over the years, the price per pound of marijuana has continued to decrease in the state.

The cost of weed is lower in Colorado than in most other states. Be thankful!

In honor of summer coming around, I’d like to be your pricing guide to do my absolute best to break down what affects the price market of marijuana and show you how much you should be paying for weed in Colorado. 

So, What Determines Weed Price?

Much like in other businesses outside the industry, many factors drive the price of the product (marijuana).

Location, Location, Location

Things such as being a big city vs a small town can drive marijuana prices drastically. 

Popular places like Las Vegas or Los Angeles have higher prices on weed due to how popular those destinations are.

The kind of cities where the demand and supply are high enough to “justify” higher prices. 

As opposed to Colorado where marijuana is grown in larger amounts.

In the Denver area, there are so many dispensaries that the cluster alone dictates pricing. Often seeing many more deals than other states due to supply being higher.

Higher quality cannabis can be found at lower prices because high-quality weed can be found almost everywhere in the state. You can find many more eager dispensaries giving discounts due to a high production supply. These are found more often in the states that have had legalization longer.

Quality of the Buds

The quality of individual strains as they are rolled off production also helps in determining what will impact the price you will pay for it.

Cannabinoids found in different strains determine quality.

Strains of marijuana with higher CBD and/or THC typically raise prices on those strains.


Much like with cigarettes or alcohol, taxes tend to bring what can be lower marijuana prices to much higher prices in a snap.

Often dispensary prices do not reflect this. Depending on where exactly you live, the price of your marijuana can range with the individual tax percentage each township puts in action.

In the state of Colorado, sales/retail tax for medical marijuana is 2.9% and 10% for recreational marijuana.

Time of Year

Harvesting times on different strains of cannabis play a big part in determining a city’s marijuana prices.

Think of marijuana as a crop, the season absolutely dictates when the plant flowers as well as when the plant needs to be harvested.

The conflict of this happening like a crop between so many dispensaries, each one with their individual grows will be harvesting their buds around the same time as well as trying to sell their batches at the same time.

This would result in the absolute ideal time to be a buyer.

Low, low prices.

So Now, The Weed Price Breakdown

Everything in the marijuana world is measured in grams.

The gram is the base weighing measurement for marijuana.

Due to variations in strains, the visual size of one gram can change from bud to bud. As to the prices below, each weight is based on the average price per weight in Colorado.

I’m going to break down the prices of each separate marijuana weight, and help you to determine how much you can roughly expect to pay for the particular weight.

A pre-rolled joint?

The price of a pre-rolled joint depends on the quantity and quality of the bud which fills the joint.

Roughly, you can expect a joint to cost between $7-$15 with fancy-style joints going up in price much higher.

For a Gram?

A gram of marijuana is most likely the smallest quantity you can purchase at a dispensary.

The reason most people buy marijuana this way is to typically test a strain before making a bigger purchase.

A consumer can expect to pay between $5-$18 for a gram. 

For An Eighth?

An eighth is exactly 3.5 grams or 1/8th of an ounce and the amount typically ranges in price from $25-$55 in Colorado.

If you buy an eighth for less than $25, minus discounts and such, you should start considering the quality or potency of any given flower.

For a Quarter?

A quarter weighs 7 grams or ¼ of an ounce.

Quarters typically range from $50 to $80 with premium quality quarters exceeding $120 in some areas of Colorado.

Small price discounts can occasionally be a factor in pricing quarters much like buying from a bulk store. Though, this is not always guaranteed.

For a Half Ounce?

A half-ounce is exactly 14 grams of marijuana or you guessed it, one half of an ounce.

The price typically costs between $90 and $160 in most dispensaries in Colorado.

At this amount, bulk prices are really getting much cheaper.

They can range anywhere from $75 to $180, but more likely will be closer to $120.

This is a typical amount of marijuana a heavy smoker/someone with high tolerances will typically buy.

For An Ounce?

An ounce (also known as an O or zip) of marijuana weighs 28 grams or exactly one ounce.

An ounce can roll up to 80-100 joints.

This amount is the legal amount of marijuana one may possess at one time in Colorado.

An ounce of cannabis normally costs between $100 and as high as $300.

Deals on Pre-rolls in Denver

Current deals on PRE-ROLLS include:

Deals on Eighths in Denver

Current deals on EIGHTHS include:

Deals on Quarters in Denver

Current deals on QUARTERS include:

Deals on Ounces in Denver

Current deals on OUNCES include:

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CannaSaver Blog

How to Keep Weed Fresh

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 03 June 2021 in Canna Blog

Let’s face it, my dear friends: Colorado Mary Jane is profoundly fresh, tasty, and potent these days. As you return to your house with your new stash, you begin to open the jar to load a grand bowl. The sweet cannabis smells fill your surroundings with the attractive smells of your favorite dispensary. 

You want to be able to maintain that beautiful marijuana essence and aroma and these days, many serious canna-connoisseurs have several methods for keeping the freshness of their buds maintained. That said, you ponder in that thinker of yours, how do I keep my weed fresh? 

Well, I won’t keep you in suspense.

How To Keep Weed Fresh

Let’s look at why you should try to have accurate marijuana storage solutions, exactly what will keep your marijuana freshest, and how long your buds could last you in the best of fresh conditions.

The Very First Step

When considering how to keep flower at its freshest, it all begins with the flower you decide to buy and the way those buds are cured after harvest.

The curing process of marijuana cultivation dictates whether the harvested flower is properly dried.

This provides optimization of potency, maximum terpene output, and rids of moisture.

With a complete, controlled curing process, the stability of the different molecules within the plant (THC, cannabinoids, terpenes, etc.) becomes much stronger.

The Use of Air Control with Cannabis Storage

If you maintain well-stored marijuana, your favorite buds potentially can stay fresh for up to 2 years (sometimes longer). Even if you plan to puff it all down in a few days, proper weed storage will make sure you keep getting the most out of your marijuana.

The best way you can extend the life of your marijuana is to limit the amount your buds are exposed to the worldly elements. 

Glass jars are a great option for maintaining a level of freshness for your marijuana. Glass jars will create an airlocked containment for your buds which prevents any kind of bacteria or moisture created by environmental conditions.

It also helps to do these steps (relatively) quickly: open your cannabis container, pick out the buds you will smoke, then immediately get your jar closed to minimize contamination. 

Glass jars with rubber, casket-like seals protect your buds from being exposed to the air by shutting them tighter inside.

There are various sizes for different weights of cannabis and typically you can find a case of various jars at any local Walmart or grocery store.

Humidity is Not Marijuana’s Friend

Moisture is the biggest enemy of Miss Mary Jane’s. The control of humidity is absolutely fundamental for maintaining the integrity of your marijuana while preventing your marijuana from getting different kinds of contaminants (mildew, mold, etc.). 

If there is too little moisture in your buds, trichomes will dry out completely and quickly degrade any terpenes or cannabinoids present.

But, if you allow there to be too much moisture present in the air around your herb, mildew and mold are much more likely to thrive. 

Low levels of humidity tend to damage your buds by breaking down the terpenes, trichomes, and/or cannabinoids much more quickly.

This also can affect the potency, flavors, and aromas of your weed. Boveda packs are great for combating low humidity.

They are a product you can buy which will absorb and if needed, re-introduce moisture back into your buds if they become too dehydrated. 

High levels of humidity are probably worse, however. With high levels of humidity, things like mold and mildew can develop.

Smoking products with mold or mildew can cause serious health problems. This is why it is recommended to have your buds in an environment with moisture between 59% to 65%.

This allows the maintenance of potency, flavors, and smells. Note that mold typically begins to form at humidity levels over 65%.

Blacking Out Your Marijuana

Similar to how the paint on someone’s car will fade slowly if the car is not garaged, light and sunlight are arguably the biggest factors in the degradation of your stash.

Ultraviolet light rays are the culprit when degrading your cannabis.

When choosing your glass jar, consider a darker tint container. The more exposure your weed has to light, the slimmer the chances of your flower maintaining its freshness. Marijuana is like other plants in terms of decaying by environmental factors; ie light. Lots of light exposure quickly dry any terpenes present in your marijuana and over time and sucks out aromas. 

The Temperature of Your Marijuana

If you maintain proper temperature levels in your cannabis, your weed can last you for years. The perfect temperature for storing your buds is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

If temperatures are much higher, your marijuana and terpenes will start to evaporate. This outcome brings dry, harsh buds without terpenes and flavor.

For proper storage, make sure you store your cannabis in a dark and cooler environment. But on the low-temperature end, don’t store your buds in a refrigerator.

A refrigerator tends to fluctuate too much in temperature from you or others around you opening/closing the door too often. The inconsistency can lead to another way your weed could potentially grow mold or mildew. Also, refrain from putting your weed in your freezer either. This causes trichomes to break off and lower potency.

So now, I hope you realize the importance of proper weed storage. Your marijuana will most definitely not last forever.

Over time, changes to the buds occur with light, humidity/moisture, and temperature.

When you maintain your buds properly, your buds can retain potency, flavor, smells, and terpenes for up to 2 months.

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CannaSaver Blog

Budder vs Shatter

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 03 June 2021 in Canna Blog

Budder and shatter are both forms of cannabis concentrates. Budder and Shatter are two common concentrates, but others include live resin, wax, or sap. 

Cannabis concentrates are made by chemically extracting the beneficial cannabis compounds from the marijuana flower, like the cannabinoids and terpenes. As such, they tend to have much higher THC concentrations (anywhere from 80% to 100% THC) than traditional marijuana, which hovers around 15% to 20% THC depending on the strain. Essentially, cannabis concentrates are a pure, isolated form of all the great stuff within marijuana.

The high THC concentration also means that you have to smoke a lot less product to get the beneficial effects, which can be better for your wallet and your overall health in the long run.

Concentrate Extraction Methods

Extraction methods for cannabis concentrates vary, however they can generally be grouped into 2 major umbrellas: solvent-based and non-solvent-based.

Thinking back to high-school chemistry, a solvent is a substance or chemical that will dissolve a solid, leaving a liquid solution. In the cannabis world, common solvents used to create concentrates are butane, propane, carbon dioxide, or alcohol

On the other hand, solventless extraction techniques, of which there are many, do not rely on any solvent. As a result, the final product is extremely pure, and many users report enjoying solventless concentrates more. However, these products tend to be much more expensive, and both major extraction methods have been studied extensively to ensure they’re both safe to the user.

What is Shatter?

Shatter is one of the most popular forms of cannabis concentrate. It is traditionally made using butane as a solvent to separate a marijuana plant’s cannabinoids and terpenes from the actual plant. From there, the extracted chemicals are processed into a hard, brittle, amber-color material that is known as Shatter. Shatter gets its name from the fact that it is easily breakable. Shatter concentrates have extremely high THC amounts that vary depending on cannabis strains used and extraction techniques, but generally are at least 85% THC.

What is Budder?

Budder, often also called wax, is another form of cannabis concentrate. It is also traditionally made with butane as a solvent. However, unlike Shatter, which is hard and brittle, Budder, in its final form, has a softer and creamier consistency. This means that Budder can be much easier to work with than harder forms of cannabis concentrate. However, since it's a softer material, Budder degrades more quickly and loses its potency faster than harder concentrates.

Budder vs Shatter


Budder and Shatter share a lot of key similarities. Both are traditionally made by using butane as a solvent and therefore fall under the umbrella of being called a butane hash oil (BHO).

Additionally, both budder and shatter have extremely high THC concentrations. They also generally tend to cost the same amount and are much more cost-efficient than compared to traditional marijuana.

Right now through Cannasaver, you can get 4 grams of budder and/or shatter for only $38 at any Golden Meds dispensary in Colorado.

In comparison, to get the same amount of THC from traditional flower, you’d be looking at buying ¾ oz, which will cost close to double.


There are a few key differences when comparing budder vs. shatter.

For one, shatter is a much harder, brittle material than budder, which is traditionally softer and creamier.

Additionally, many people find shatter more visually appealing than budder, since Shatter is a shinier amber, whereas budder tends to be a duller color.

Lastly, Shatter will keep its potency longer than Budder. Since Budder is a softer material, it isn’t as stable as harder concentrates and will degrade more quickly.

Shatter can keep its potency for months and even years, whereas you will want to use your budder more quickly. 

How to Consume Budder vs. Shatter

There are a plethora of different ways that you can consume budder and shatter. A very common way is to use a dab rig or other vaporizing device.

If you prefer, you can also break off pieces of budder or shatter to put inside a joint or blunt when smoking.

Lastly, you can also use budder and shatter inside edibles, if that’s your preferred way of consuming marijuana.


Both budder and shatter have been growing in popularity recently for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, with recreational marijuana being legalized in more states every year, the market for all things cannabis will continue to grow.

Additionally, cannabis extracts have been growing in popularity when compared to traditional marijuana. When smoked, budder and shatter have a much more muted smell than traditional marijuana, which lends well to users who prefer to partake in the comfort of their own homes.

There’s also a growing school of thought that concentrates are “healthier” than traditional flower. Not only do you have to smoke less to receive the beneficial effects, which can be good for those with sensitive lungs, but you are smoking pure THC, CBD, and terpenes.

Lastly, since concentrates are generally cheaper and keep their potency longer than traditional flower, they are a great choice for the budget-conscious cannabis user. 

Price Differences & Deals

Both budder, often also called wax, and shatter will generally cost you about the same amount.

As such, there’s no real price difference between the two, and whichever type you pick is simply down to personal preference.

Per gram, you’ll generally be looking to spend between $20 and $30, with a lower per-gram price the more you buy. Some people like budder more because it’s softer and more forgiving, whereas others may prefer shatter because of its long shelf life and beautiful amber color.

No matter whether you’re looking into trying budder or shatter out for the first time or are a seasoned user, Cannasaver has partnered with dispensaries to offer you great deals.

One deal that’s particularly great for someone just looking to get started is a $12.95 gram of either Budder or Shatter at all Pure Dispensaries in Colorado.

If you’re a more seasoned user, you might be interested in 8 grams of top-shelf wax or shatter for $99 at The Lodge Cannabis in Denver.

No matter whether you’re interested in budder, shatter, edibles, pre-rolls, or pure flower, Cannasaver is sure to offer fantastic deals for everyone.

Click here to explore our current offerings with participating dispensaries, and happy blazing!

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Marijuana is absolutely amazing and the weed business is helping states around the country. With a total of 29 U.S. states and Washington D.C. legalizing recreational marijuana for adult consumption, the U.S. is slowly going to pot. Let’s just say, it’s about damn time.

In November 2020, Proposition 207 appeared on the voting ballot in Arizona which was either for or against the legalization of marijuana.

The people of Arizona voted overwhelmingly for legalizing recreational marijuana for adults 21 and above.

That said, are recreational dispensaries available to Arizona?

What is the Legality of Marijuana in Arizona?

The launch of recreational weed came only a few months after Arizona overwhelmingly passed. On November 30th, 2020, Legal recreational marijuana possession was legalized very popularly with Proposition 207 in Arizona. 

The ballot to dispensary transition marks the fastest recreational marijuana transition to implement the legalization of marijuana by any state.

Recreational marijuana sales started January 22, 2021, in Arizona in various locations around the state. With the November passing of Proposition 207, Arizona is legal for recreational use of marijuana for adults of 21 years or older.

An adult can possess one ounce of marijuana with absolutely no more than 5 grams of that being marijuana concentrates (wax, shatter, etc.). Allowed forms of recreational marijuana include flower, topicals, salves, edibles, and capsules. 

What About the Legality of Growing Marijuana in AZ?

Cultivation of recreational marijuana is absolutely legal in Arizona. Plant production is limited to six plants per one person at a time. A household of 2 or more adults can grow 12 plants at a time.

Where Can People Get Their Sesh On?

In general, rec or med, marijuana can only be used on someone’s owned private property in Arizona. Smoking marijuana remains illegal to use marijuana in public (bars, parks, restaurants, and other places).  Also, possessing/consuming marijuana on federal land (national parks, parks, etc.).

The good news, possessing marijuana in the general public is absolutely legal.

Recreational Dispensaries in Arizona

With Cannasaver, we will show you nearby dispensaries as well as deals and discounts on recreational marijuana near you.

Where to Buy Weed in Arizona

Arizona Natural Concepts - Located in Phoenix, AZ

Current deals include:

Coughing Canary - Located in Scottsdale, AZ

Current deals include:

Health for Life - Located in Phoenix and Mesa

Current deals include:

​​​​​​​The Prime Leaf - Located in Tucson, AZ

Current deals include:

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Downtown Dispensary - Located in Phoenix and Mesa

Current deals include:

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CannaSaver Blog

Denver Dispensaries Near Airport

Posted by CANNASaver on Friday, 28 May 2021 in Canna Blog

For many people coming to Colorado, one of its biggest, most unique draws is legal marijuana. When you pair that with the amazing natural beauty & plethora of recreational activities that Colorado offers, it’s truly a win-win! 

As many tourists are finding out, some of Colorado’s best recreational activities, such as hiking in the summer or skiing in the winter, become even more enjoyable when involving marijuana. However, people who don’t regularly consume marijuana or who come from states where marijuana is legal are probably a little unsure of where to go to get the well-priced, good-quality ganja. 

For all of you travelers who are looking to get stoned right after getting off the plane (or who want to take a last-minute edible before flying home), this article is for you. We’ll take you through our picks for the best dispensaries near the Denver International Airport. 

Best Dispensaries Near Denver International Airport

Right off of I-70 (which is the highway that takes you into Denver from the airport), just a few miles away from Denver International Airport, there are a bunch of dispensaries concentrated around Peoria Street. All of these dispensaries are super conveniently located just off the highway, which makes them perfect stops on your way from the airport into Denver or the mountains.

Without further ado, we’ll share our 3 top dispensaries near the Denver airport.

Golden Meds Peoria

Address: 4620 Peoria St, Denver, CO, 80239

Golden Meds is a chain of dispensaries around Colorado, and their Peoria St. location in Denver is another conveniently located dispensary close to Denver International Airport.

Golden Meds has been around since marijuana was legalized in Colorado, which is a testament to the quality product that it sells.

A great draw of Golden Meds is that you can order online and pick it up on your way from the airport. 

Cannasaver offers great deals at all Golden Meds dispensaries, and the ones at the Peoria location are incredible.

You can get 2 full-gram joints for $6.99, a $39.99 half-ounce of flower, or 4, 100mg gummy edibles for $24.99.

Just show your coupon as you’re checking out.

High West Cannabis

Address: 10625 E 51st Ave #100, Denver, CO, 80239

High West Cannabis is great for a few reasons. First, they are really conveniently located with a bunch of parking.

Additionally, they grow high-quality products on-site, where they have a grow space of 5,000 square feet divided into 8 separate flower rooms.

Their experienced grow team uses a deep understanding of biology, chemistry, and physics to produce an unbelievable product.

This means you’ll be getting fresh, top-quality cannabis for great prices since they’re cutting out the middleman. 

Finally, through Cannasaver, you can score some unbelievable deals at High West Cannabis. Right now, you can get a 1g wax cartridge for $44, or an ounce of home-grown bud for $80, along with many other great deals depending on your preferred product. 

Mary Jane’s House

Address: 3899 Quentin St, Denver, CO, 80239

Our third great dispensary near the Denver Airport is Mary Jane’s House, which is located less than a block off the I-70. Mary Jane’s offers a friendly atmosphere and knowledgeable staff to help recommend the best strains and products for your particular interests. 

Just like with Golden Meds and High West, Cannasaver has partnered with Mary Jane’s House to give you great deals. Right now, you can get an $18 dollar 1/8th, or if wax is more your thing, you can get 8 grams of kush masters wax for only $120. 

As many of us know, legal marijuana can get expensive. At Cannasaver, we help you find great deals on bud, wax, edibles, concentrates, & any other marijuana products you can think of.

Click here for a full list of our deals at partnering dispensaries, and happy blazing!

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CannaSaver Blog

Best Weed Strains for Productivity

Posted by CANNASaver on Monday, 24 May 2021 in Canna Blog

When people think of stoners, the stereotype is usually that we sleep, eat and laugh…. A lot! While cannabis can be very sedating and relaxing, the reality is that not all strains have these ‘stoney’ attributes. 

There are countless reasons why people love and use Cannabis. While some people use it to help themselves relax, others use it to boost focus, creativity, and mental clarity -- like a cup of coffee.

A misconception about weed is that it makes people lazy. Sure, some strains are more sedating than others, but there is also a plethora of strains known to increase focus, energy, and creativity.

It all depends on how you pair your strains with particular activities.

If you’re unsure about which strains will help with your day-to-day productivity, seek the help of your budtender and they might just point you to the perfect strain for your needs.

Here are some of our favorite strains known to boost productivity:

Sour Diesel

Sour Diesel is known to produce a fast-acting and energizing cerebral high. Its uplifting effects make it popular for daytime use. Additionally, Sour Diesel can help relieve symptoms of depression and pain without the sedating side effects. You can rely on this strain to keep you productive and spark creativity.

Green Crack

Green Crack is a Sativa-dominant strain that is famous for its upbeat and energizing effects. This strain won’t leave you burning out and can instead be a little boost to help keep you afloat. It’s a great strain with strong Sativa effects and can help relieve symptoms of fatigue. 

Jack Herrer

Jack Herrer is loved for its ability to produce mental clarity. It’s a good Sativa that won’t leave you spacing out. Aside from helping with stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue… Jack Herrer is also known to produce a euphoric and uplifting mood, users even report a boost in creativity when using this strain.

Durban Poison

Durban Poison is known for its uplifting effects and is great for when you need to get things done. The pure Sativa strain has a sweet smell and users report feeling focused and energetic, without the stress when using this strain.


Chemdawg is a potent strain known for its strong cerebral effects. It’s also known to increase focus and can make you feel more social. The hybrid strain is rich in THC (15-20%) and low in CBD, it’s also known to be fast-acting, so be ready to get hit with that energizing high.

Sativa vs. Indica

If you feel like it’s hard for you to focus or remain productive after a smoke sesh, try switching strains, or saving that specific strain for the nighttime. Some people like to smoke Sativa dominant strains during the day and Indica strains at night. This is because Sativa-dominant strains usually contain higher percentages of THC compared to CBD, whereas Indica-dominant strains are the opposite. 

Typically, Sativa strains are more stimulating and are known for producing a “head high,” that increases creativity and focus, while Indica strains are more sedative, producing more of a body high with increased feelings of relaxation.

Productive Deals at Cannasaver!

At Cannasaver, we want to help you save while giving you access to a variety of Cannabis products in your area. We have new deals every day and continue to work with some of the best dispensaries in the country!

Type your favorite strain into our search bar to find the closest deal to you.

Boost your focus, enjoy your weed and save money all at once with Cannasaver.

Doesn’t that sound productive?

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CannaSaver Blog

Best Strains for Sleep

Posted by CANNASaver on Friday, 21 May 2021 in Canna Blog

Sleep is a huge factor in someone maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Sleep is a necessity for a healthy brain and your overall physical healthiness. While asleep, your brain will repair your blood vessels and other bodily functions. 

But if you’re like me, sleeping does not come easy. Like at all. Insomnia is a real son-of-a-bitch and those who experience it know it sucks. Many adults experience some sort of insomnia at some point in their lives. Some adults even deal with chronic insomnia.

Signs of insomnia include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Waking up in the middle of sleeping
  • Not feeling rested
  • Daytime tiredness
  • Difficulty paying attention

Sleep is oh so important to our ever-fragile physical and mental well-being. When we don’t get enough sleep, we don’t function at our most optimal. Work becomes way more stressful, our thought processes become much harder, and fatigue runs our emotional tanks to empty. 

Melatonin and various supplements can improve your sleep but there are studies that show that marijuana can help you get to sleep; much faster and stay asleep much longer. If you’re a canna-connoisseur like myself, many outstanding marijuana strains await you to offer a solution for sleeplessness. With that said, we will explore a few of the best marijuana strains for sleep.

The Science of Marijuana For Sleeping

Though still fairly recent, scientific research into the different uses for marijuana in the area of sleep has become something that may lead to more natural restful sleep. Many studies have shown marijuana’s ability to help deal with conditions that cause sleep disorders. Within any one marijuana plant, hundreds of cannabinoids are present.

Each cannabinoid holds the potential for medicinal properties. They stimulate the body’s cannabinoid system which regulates sleep, memory, appetite, and mood.

Terpenes For Sleeping

Strains that are high in these terpenes are going to be best for getting to sleep:

  • Terpinolene: Promotes a feeling of bliss. Helpful in aid for sleep

  • Myrcene: Affects the blood/brain barrier. The terpene lowers the barrier allowing THC to pass through easier thus allowing for a sustained high. The terpene protects against circulating toxins/diseases which cause brain infections. This process does not raise the psychoactivity of THC but naturally increases the sense of chill and couch-lock. This allows the marijuana to hit fast/strong. Typically completely halving cannabis onset time. 

  • Caryophyllene: Helps activate your endocannabinoid system. Making each cannabinoid in your body function much more potently.

Watch Your THC Levels

THC marijuana strains are typically the most effective strains for sleeping. They are the most reliable source for creating the sedation effect which is essentially a sleep incarnate.

A strong indica is a good way to get high. But if a strain has too much THC, it can increase feelings of anxiety. If that’s the case, go lower in THC percentage. Intense feelings of anxiousness and paranoia are not good for promoting healthy sleep.

Increase Cannabinoids

Introducing cannabinoids such as CBD and CBN increases success for the most restful sleep. CBD is often used to reduce stress levels, stress, and various other conditions which lead to insomnia.

CBD also contains pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory elements which promote a better body and sleep as well.

CBN occurs in the marijuana plant as the plant ages because with time and extended exposure to heat/oxygen THC becomes CBN naturally. CBN interacts with your body’s natural endocannabinoid system directly.

The chemical allows your body to naturally influence mood and cognition which allows your brain to shut off much more efficiently for better sleep.

Indica Strains

Indica strains are known for much more of a body, can cause what we call “couch-lock”. This kind of relaxation goes with sleep like mac n cheese. Indica strains help to soothe your muscles and slow down that ever-thinking brain for the ultimate relaxation.

Top Strains For Sleeping

Before we begin our list, I’d like to mention that every strain affects every single person differently though common ground can be found between strains. With that said, I’d like to recommend some of the best strains for sleeping.

9lb Hammer

Like a powerful blow from Thor’s mighty hammer itself, 9lb Hammer is a heavy-hitting sedative, helping those who suffer from insomnia for years now. The strain clocks in between 20-23% THC. 

9lb Hammer contains incredible power and relaxing vibes. The taste of 9lb Hammer can be described as having light grape tones and various fruity flavors. The strain promotes feelings of euphoria and crushes insomnia like it was Thanos’ head. When you find your 9lb Hammer sweet spot when seshing at night, you’ll slide into dreamland on ice skates. 

Afghan Kush

The legendary Afghan Kush is a pure 100%  indica strain that can be traced back to the Hindu Kush mountain region. Like many Afghani lineage indicas, Afghan Kush has heavy, body-heavy effects that will move your body into bed with ease. With the strain being rich in CBD, Afghan Kush is one of the best strains for managing sleeplessness in those who tend to experience anxiety/paranoia when getting high.

Afghan Kush has a pleasant earthy scent and sweet taste undertones of old-school hash. It has dense buds amounting in an abundance of trichomes. This strain will take the distractions/pains you may have accumulated during the day and melt them away like butter.

Blue Cheese

If you haven’t had the pleasure of trying a cheesy strain, you are missing out. Blue Cheese is the king of cheese. Blue cheese is a cross between Blueberry and U.K. Cheese; a yummy combination. The strain has a THC percentage between 15-18% having nice mild psychoactive effects.

Blue Cheese has an interesting sweet and savory aromas of blue cheese and berries. The smells begin to transform into a unique creamy marijuana flavor. Blue Cheese helps promote euphoria, a deep sense of relaxation, and most importantly provides sedation for sleepy time.

Blueberry Muffin

Blueberry Muffin is a sweet way to send yourself off to sleep. With amazing blue beauty, Blueberry Muffin’s powers are shown through the euphoric high that will entangle itself around your body like a comforting blanket. 

Blueberry Muffin is a cross between Purple Panty Dropper and Blueberry. This strain will send your stress and worries to a place where they simply melt away.

Critical Kush

Warning: we are now at critical levels.

Critical Kush is a cross of OG Kush and Critical Mass. Critical Kush is known for first delivering a pleasant euphoric feeling and follows up the high with relaxing feelings throughout your body and brain..

Critical Kush has a unique piney aroma with a spicy taste undertone. This strain delivers full-body relaxation and boosts your mental health. After smoking this strain, you will feel blissfully relaxed within 15 minutes or so. Critical Kush’s stress relieving  properties will help you deal with sleeplessness efficiently.  

Northern Lights

Meet one of my absolute all-time favorite strains: the legendary, one and only, Northern Lights. Some consumers have stated that the strain like its namesake will leave you blissfully staring into the infinite space and stars above.

Northern Lights is a pure indica strain and is a cross between Afghani Kush and Thai. Northern Lights tends to weigh in at 16-22% THC. The strain carries aromas of sweet/spice. Northern Lights has a quick onset time and will help you to achieve healthy REM sleep cycles throughout your night’s sleep. The strain also has the ability to ease insomnia, anxiety, depression, and stress

Original Glue

Original Glue (formerly Gorilla Glue) packs a powerful kick of stress relief and positive well-being. With the stickiest of buds and an overwhelming alluring aroma. It is a great marijuana strain if you are in need of a restful night’s sleep.

Original Glue has approximately 20% THC and is a cross between Sour Dubb, Chocolate Diesel, and Chem’s Sister. The strain carries flavors of chocolate, diesel, and pine. This strain, like its namesake, is known for its ability to glue you tight to your bed; making this an ideal nighttime smoke sesh.


Querkle seems to attack insomnia at its many sources. Anxiety calms, nausea dulls, and depression evaporates, leaving you in a meditative state as you gently coast into a restful sleep. That being said, this strain may not be the one you rely on for forcing your brain into sleep; rather, it pre-conditions a tranquil mindset so sleep comes easier when it’s time to shut the lights out.

Querkle is a cross between Purple Urkle and Space Queen. The strain has a strong grape and berry aroma with flavors to match. Querkle provides a strong body high, which helps consumers feel lazy, sedated, and ultimately tired. 

Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake is one of the newest strains on the list. The strain is a cross between Cherry Pie and Girl Scout Cookies. Wedding Cake delivers a drowsy kind of high that almost simultaneously begins to rock the consumer off to the adventures of Slumberland. 

Wedding Cake has a THC percentage of 23-25%. It basks in waves of vanilla smells and a berry taste. Wedding Cake reduces insomnia and provides pain relief.

Sleep well, friend!

Nighty night.

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CannaSaver Blog

How Much is a Gram of Weed?

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 13 May 2021 in Canna Blog

How do you know if you’re paying the right price for weed? The price of a gram will vary depending on what type of cannabis product you're purchasing and from where you’re purchasing from.

Typically, a gram of flower will cost less than a gram of concentrates. This is because concentrates are harder to produce and are typically more potent than flower-based cannabis products.

Prices for a gram of cannabis will also vary on your location and the status of the market. However, there is a standard price range for different types of products.

Here they are below:


A gram of cannabis flower will cost around $10-$20 depending on the quality and strain, newer and more rare strains are typically more expensive.

A gram is usually the smallest measure of cannabis flower available to purchase and is also the most widely available.

Check out our flower deals here.

Pre Roll-joints

Pre-roll joints are great for those in a hurry or for those who don’t have the best joint-rolling skills.

A pre-roll joint will usually cost $5-$25 depending on the strain and quality of the cannabis used.

A typical pre-roll joint will usually contain a half-gram of weed, meaning a gram of pre-rolls can cost around $10-$50.

Check out our pre-roll deals here.


Moon rocks are nugs of cannabis flower, dipped in concentrates like distillate, oil, wax, or shatter, then rolled in kief.

They are also referred to as ‘kaviar.’

They are high in THC levels (over 50%) and are extremely potent.

You can expect moon rocks to cost more than an equal amount of flower because of their additional ingredients and potency. They usually start at $35 a gram.

Check out our deals on Moonrocks here.


Distillate is a cannabis extract that is stripped of all materials and compounds except for one specific cannabinoid.

The most common forms of distillate come in the form of THC oil and CBD oil and are the base ingredient of most edibles and cartridges.

Distillates will usually start at $35-$60 per gram.

The prices for distillates are much higher than flower products because of their more complicated production process.

Check out our deals on distillate products here.

Wax/ Shatter

Shatter is a translucent concentrate that is produced using butane. Wax is also a BHO concentrate but has the same consistency and thickness as wax, hence the name.

A gram of wax and shatter usually starts at $20-$55 per gram.

Check out our wax and shatter deals.

Live Resin

A gram of live resin will run you about $35-$80 a gram. Some higher-end resins can even cost up to $100 per gram.

Live resin is more expensive than other types of concentrates because of its potency and complicated production process.

Deals on Live Resin here.

Save with Cannasaver!

Although the prices stated above are nationwide averages, we at Cannasaver have some mind-blowing deals that’ll never have you second-guess how much you’re paying.

Cannasaver teams up with the best dispensaries to help you save tons of cash.

Don’t forget to check out our deals section daily, we put out new deals every day!

You’ll never have to worry about paying too much for your weed again!

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Weed Deals Near Me View All

Apothecare Certified Organic 100mg Gummies $16
Apothecare Certified Organic 100mg Gummies $16
Ann Arbor - Recreational 163.6 miles
$10 OFF your first preorder!
$10 OFF your first preorder!
Chicago - Recreational 275.83 miles
10% Discount to all Veterans
10% Discount to all Veterans
Chicago - Rec & Med 276.85 miles
Assorted Skymint Concentrates $40-$50 1G
Assorted Skymint Concentrates $40-$50 1G
Hazel Park - Recreational 169.6 miles
Choice 100mg Edibles $10
Choice 100mg Edibles $10
Detroit - Medical 169.63 miles
Vape 1000mg Terpene Tanks $40
Vape 1000mg Terpene Tanks $40
River Rouge - Recreational 157.33 miles
Aeriz   500mg Cartridges  $55-$60
Aeriz 500mg Cartridges $55-$60
Chicago - Medical 276.56 miles
Flower 1/8  Prepacked  $20/3.5G (Select Strains)
Flower 1/8 Prepacked $20/3.5G (Select Strains)
Detroit - Medical 167.26 miles
Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) $40/1G
Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) $40/1G
Center Line - Medical 171.09 miles
Live Resin Element Extracts $55/1G
Live Resin Element Extracts $55/1G
Warren - Medical 170.91 miles
Pure Essential Capsules $28.00 (10pk)
Pure Essential Capsules $28.00 (10pk)
Calumet City - Recreational 262.92 miles
Flower Flight 3.5g, Flower
Flower Flight 3.5g, Flower
Chicago - Medical 275.44 miles
30% Off Bubba Diagonal 1/8
30% Off Bubba Diagonal 1/8
Chicago - Recreational 275.21 miles
Get 15% off your purchase when you buy any 4 items!
Get 15% off your purchase when you buy any 4 items!
Chicago - Recreational 276.41 miles
